Jen Inchiostro

the daily life of a nerdy mom

  • My Week in Books…

    My Week in Books…

    I started listening to David Grohl’s The Storyteller months ago. I mostly only listened in the shower or when cooking… but then I started creating situations where I could listen. Im not a huge audible fan, I much prefer physical books or my kindle. I reserve my audible points for Autobiographies that are read by…

  • A Case of the Mondays….

    I had to go to the doctor for a less than fun kind of doctors appointment. At least usually, my doctor that I have had since my Hashimoto’s Diagnosis in 2018, constantly shocks me with how great of a doctor she is. The appointment was fast, painless and full of dignity. There are no pictures…

  • Weekend Vibes

    The weather made a turn for the better- and we finally got to be outside! Juniper and Olive hung a bird box we painted… Last year, I was laid up with a broken foot from Mid-March until Late April. It is really fun to be able to get out here and watch everything bloom and…

  • Rainy Friday Vibes

    Rainy Friday Vibes

    I woke up with headache to more rain and grey weather today, and was crushed with an overwhelming melancholy I couldn’t shake. Shortly after getting out of bed- I received very somber news from a friend. Times like these, when life unexpectedly tosses a curveball- I find comfort in rooting into the present. I cannot…

  • The Museum of Extraordinary Things- A review

    The Museum of Extraordinary Things- A review

    I picked this up on a complete whim after a bender of Alice Hoffman I went on last summer. This copy was well worn, practically falling off the binding in spots- and that always makes me curious. It means a lot of people read it! I had it on loan for MONTHS- had to return…

  • The Test of Time

    The Test of Time

    It was 2005 and my husband was on deployment. I had just had my first child and I was all alone in a new city. Then I found blogs, and communities of bloggers that were active every day.  I was a devout blog reader, every morning I would wake up before the baby, make coffee…