Jen Inchiostro

the daily life of a nerdy mom

“To be nobody but 
yourself in a world 
which is doing its best day and night to make you like 
everybody else means to fight the hardest battle 
which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.” 
E.E. Cummings


  • Independent Book Store Day!

    Independent Book Store Day!

    We decided to check out a new bookstore in our area- only 2 miles away! We really loved that the store felt curated. Sometimes boosters that sell new AND used books feel stuffed to capacity and overwhelming… WHICH, to be fair, we ALSO ADORE. It is just that you have to be in the mood…

  • Friends of the Library Bag Sale! A Love Story.

    Once a month, the kids and I wake up at 8am on a Saturday to get to the Library Book Sale before it opens to the public. It is the ONLY thing that gets us up this early… even church starts later. We are library LOVERS. Truly. We are at the library a MINIMUM of…

  • The Treadmill Affair

    There is a funny story in here- for me- because I have sworn up and down that I would NEVER AGAIN buy a treadmill. EVER AGAIN. Cedric has wanted one and we came to an agreement that we would get a gym membership instead. Then the teens found a treadmill FOR FREE from someone in…

  • Spring Cleaning of the Yard!

    the sun decided to show itself to us here in Michigan and the temperatures were perfect for yard work! the crew that mows our lawn did the first cut and we got out there to try and get more of the leaves handled. This area of the back of our yard is all Rose of…

  • Gleaners Food Bank

    Today Jared took Olive and Cedric to volunteer at the food bank- this was their third time there with a group from church. Their group packed fresh turnips, beets, and parsnips into mesh bags and others packed up boxes to be distributed. The team’s hardworking yielded 15,408 pounds of bagged root vegetables and 880 boxes,…

  • A Spiritually Charged Saturday

    The weekend started off with a Lay Eucharist Minister training. I have felt that my baptism last May was life changing, spiritually. It wasn’t expected to be life changing, as I was already living my life as a very eclectic and EXTREMELY non-traditional christian (with the small C- I didn’t do organized religion after leaving…

  • Baseball Season!!!

    Baseball Season!!!

    We had tickets to a game last week and it was rained out- everyone was SO BUMMED, but we ended up getting tickets to the game today and the weather was unbelievably good! Perfect seats, perfect heat and an all around perfect day…. except we lost. We had such a great day- Jared dropped us…

  • Lego Store Fun

    Lego Store Fun

    Jared ordered himself some new Etnies and we had to pick them up at the mall- so we hit up the LEGO store. Juniper has recently found the world of lego and it has reignited a season that had passed for the older kids. Keira still enjoys lego here and there- but for years the…

  • My Week in Books…

    My Week in Books…

    I started listening to David Grohl’s The Storyteller months ago. I mostly only listened in the shower or when cooking… but then I started creating situations where I could listen. Im not a huge audible fan, I much prefer physical books or my kindle. I reserve my audible points for Autobiographies that are read by…

  • A Case of the Mondays….

    I had to go to the doctor for a less than fun kind of doctors appointment. At least usually, my doctor that I have had since my Hashimoto’s Diagnosis in 2018, constantly shocks me with how great of a doctor she is. The appointment was fast, painless and full of dignity. There are no pictures…