Jen Inchiostro

the daily life of a nerdy mom

  • Tiny Library Craft

    Tiny Library Craft

    Olive went to the teen council meeting and they made tiny pocket libraries! I thought this was the most adorable thing- and now I want to make a variation for our fairy garden outside.

  • A day in the life: Sunday Edition

    A day in the life: Sunday Edition

    Every Sunday, after church, we feed the unhoused in our Church community. When we started in November- we tried doing it every first Sunday… whether it was the weather or the inconsistent nature- we didnt have many people showing up. Now that we are doing it EVERY Sunday, we have 20-30 people weekly, and growing….

  • Friends of the Library Bag Sale! A Love Story.

    Once a month, the kids and I wake up at 8am on a Saturday to get to the Library Book Sale before it opens to the public. It is the ONLY thing that gets us up this early… even church starts later. We are library LOVERS. Truly. We are at the library a MINIMUM of…

  • The Test of Time

    The Test of Time

    It was 2005 and my husband was on deployment. I had just had my first child and I was all alone in a new city. Then I found blogs, and communities of bloggers that were active every day.  I was a devout blog reader, every morning I would wake up before the baby, make coffee…