Jen Inchiostro

the daily life of a nerdy mom

Keira’s 19th Birthday!

We started the day with wrapping presents and waiting for Keira to wake up-

After breakfast, our first stop was a vintage store in Ferndale- Vogue Vintage

After the vintage shopping, we went to Whistle Stop Hobby Shop…

Finally, we had a feast at home- because Keira was recently diagnosed with a severe Mold allergy, we had to cook and bake everything from scratch with new guidelines.

She reallllly wanted a lemon curd cake- and I had never made one before… but out of necessity, new skills were formed. 🙂 I used a whipped cream icing and won’t do that again, but it was delicious. 🙂

She had wanted to go to a Milkshake Bar downtown, but the allergist needed her to be strict for full 30days.

Presents were opened and then it was time for a homemade MILKSHAKE BAR

Our family loves celebrating Keira- for many reasons- but truly, the biggest reason is that Keira is our joy patrol. She adds whimsy to each moment, and has truly shaped this family from the ground up.

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