Weekly Forecast: September 26
Monday 9/27: Mercury Retrograde in Libra!!! This will be the 7th planetary body in retrograde and we will be in heavy retrograde energy until Pluto goes direct on 10/6. Tuesday 9/28: Moon void of course through the night- go to be Monday with INTENTION TO DREAM. Moon goes into Cancer at 9:34am EST and we…
I am so sorry that our Internet outage cost such a kerfuffle! You can listen to the story time with Jen below to hear more about why it occurred! Story time with Jen: Internet Guy
Weekly Forecast: Neptune & Pluto, oh my!
Please note- somewhere, in my notes, I had the days labelled wrong numerically. Here is the correct dates/days in case I misspoke in the recording 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the explanations are correct, the dates?! Questionable 😜🙌🏻 ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ The seven of cups is included because it is the energy we are feeling now, with our Neptune Opposition! Monday…
New Moon in Virgo Group Clearing & Guided Meditation 9/5
have on hand: WATER optional essential oils : clove wintergreen aromatouch cypress pink pepper thyme helichrysum