The work of being children…. summer edition 🙂
I love doing chores… and I remember meeting another person many years ago that validated this for me— and that it is so RARE.
Growing up- I was forced to do chores, and I didn’t necessarily love doing what other people wanted me to do, especially when it was critiqued or punitive.
HOWEVER, I worked very hard to get the things I have in my adult life, and Ive always enjoyed taking after them.
I found Waldorf philosophy when Keira was 2.5 and they included the work of children in such a meaningful way. Even though we are not strict Waldorf by ANY STRETCH of the imagination- I keep a lot of the foundational activities.
In Waldorf pedagogy, young children learn best through immersion in unselfconscious imitation of practical activities. The early childhood curriculum focuses on experiential education and imaginative play. The overall goal of the curriculum is to “imbue the child with a sense that the world is good”
I have just been watching as we have slow summer afternoons- even chores feel like leisure because we can do it together and laugh/talk.

in addition to the chores- there has been a LOT of smores and chess…
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