Every Sunday, after church, we feed the unhoused in our Church community. When we started in November- we tried doing it every first Sunday… whether it was the weather or the inconsistent nature- we didnt have many people showing up.
Now that we are doing it EVERY Sunday, we have 20-30 people weekly, and growing. The consistent presence is necessary to fill a serious need in Detroit. Most shelters and food centers are closed on Sundays, leaving a lot of people hungry with no where to go.

In other Sunday news, I received an AMAZING and gorgeous gift from a friend. A fan that a member of the congregation brought back from Ghana. I overheat (and freeze) a LOT, with my hashimotos it can take 45minutes for me to normalize in a temperature change. This really meant a lot to me, as I struggle in this season of humidity without a/c.

Keira is learning to knit and has also been practicing her crochet skills. She made these flower curtain pulls- which are PRECIOUS.

One of my friends heard that I was on a four month wait list for a digital copy of this book- FOUR MONTHS. It wasn’t showing up as available in my library system as a physical copy. She happened to have JUST finished it, and had it for a few more weeks…so she dropped it at my house. (Im already halfway through, so it will go back fast)

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