There is a funny story in here- for me- because I have sworn up and down that I would NEVER AGAIN buy a treadmill. EVER AGAIN.
Cedric has wanted one and we came to an agreement that we would get a gym membership instead. Then the teens found a treadmill FOR FREE from someone in our neighborhood and my wording was questioned.
I said I would NEVER BUY a treadmill, but…. would I accept a free one?
I said that I would, BUT ONLY IF:
1. it fit in the car
2. I didn’t have to lift it
3. It went into the basement. We are turning the garage into a sewing room and workout room this summer- but it isn’t there yet. I didn’t want a huge treadmill in my parlor/library.
Well, it fit in the car and I didn’t have to lift it…. but it didn’t fit in the basement door so it is in the parlor. 🙂
It will be funny one day. It IS convenient for all of us where it is… as ugly as it looks there.
Cedric sent me this proof that it fit in the car. 🙂

if it fits, it sits.

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