the sun decided to show itself to us here in Michigan and the temperatures were perfect for yard work! the crew that mows our lawn did the first cut and we got out there to try and get more of the leaves handled.
This area of the back of our yard is all Rose of Sharon, however, the neighbors GLORIOUS flowering tree of some kind fills it with red and white flowers early in the season. This is where we have our hammock stand.

We are getting ready to add a moss garden back here and re-paint our rusted sculptures- but it is the most coveted area of the yard to hang out, so we need to figure out more hammock stand space as well.

In our preparation of a garden space next to the garage, we moved the wood pile to the back of the garage. This area back here gets so much light until the mulberry tree takes over. We are looking to have that removed soon. But how pretty do those azalea bushes and trees look?

My daffodils are done and the tulips and hellebores are blooming. The lily of the valley is coming up and THAT gets me so excited.
Olive and Cedric took turns hula hoping and playing tennis with Juniper in between working (and laying in the sun reading)

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