The weekend started off with a Lay Eucharist Minister training. I have felt that my baptism last May was life changing, spiritually. It wasn’t expected to be life changing, as I was already living my life as a very eclectic and EXTREMELY non-traditional christian (with the small C- I didn’t do organized religion after leaving my childhood church). But my spiritual life at home was totally fulfilling. I frequently felt the Holy Spirit and frequently held that space for others.
However, the baptism changed me. The class leading up to it helped, but the baptism was the first time that I felt the holy space HELD for me. I felt as if I could just receive.
Holy Communion is different for every denomination and Im not really here to discuss that, however, I received training to become a Lay Eucharist Minister- and it was a very important event for me.

The kids were on site, because Jared had an appointment, and they went between the nursery room and the study room.

I never would have chosen to return to an organized church, but since my son was CERTAIN that this is his calling, I returned with him, in support of him. During the 6 week inquirers course, I realized that I had been wrong. My faith in Jesus and God and ALL THE THINGS was complete in and of itself, I always tell the children that I lived my life in a way that, if Jesus knocked on the door- I would excitedly run to open it and invite him in. I do not believe that my witchy nature is in conflict with that- I feel it is in fact GIFTED to me by God. Working with herbs, crystals, tarot cards and astrology is as explorative of God’s universe as any thing else. FOR ME.
It always bears repeating- and for those that have known me a long time this is so redundant- but my faith in the REALITY of saints and angels and SCRIPTURE and Jesus are SO COMPLETELY intense that I have been confusing my witchy friends for my whole life. 🙂
However, being in communion with others who feel the same is priceless. Feeling seen and welcomed in my evolving and imperfect faith is priceless. Being in THIS church, also, feels holy. The space is charged with Holy Spirit in a way that I cannot describe. Ive been in so many churches, even other Episcopalian churches, as recently as 2022- and this one just has something entirely different. It might be it’s age and it’s unique story… It might be the community that has persevered in the most tumultuous times… Im not sure what it is, but It has been the MOST unexpected thing of my 43 years so far… truly.
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