We had tickets to a game last week and it was rained out- everyone was SO BUMMED, but we ended up getting tickets to the game today and the weather was unbelievably good! Perfect seats, perfect heat and an all around perfect day…. except we lost.

We had such a great day- Jared dropped us off and worked while we had fun… but that means we had ZERO parking drama 🙂 It set the tone, for sure. We also arrived a few minutes after the game started, so all the crowds had passed and gone in already.
The game was fun, too- lots of action and cheering the whole time.

it was VERY SUNNY, so on top of sunscreen, we layered up. It was super windy and chilly in the shade, so we were thankful for all the layers. Juniper made friends out o the woman next to her- and the little girl behind us. You would never know this is only her second game. She acted like someone that grew up attending games. She didn’t say she was bored once.

We were 15 rows in on the 3rd baseline, the players were SO CLOSE and threw over 5-6 balls into the crowd around us. The row in front of us and two behind caught one.
Cedric wears many hats… literally.

Juniper danced every opportunity she had. More than one employee cheered her on and it only encouraged her to ham up.

there was not a selfie of me where Juniper wasn’t pulling my face away to ask a questions 🙂

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