Jen Inchiostro

the daily life of a nerdy mom

  • Library Bag Sale!

    Library Bag Sale!

    What can wake us all up at 8am on a Saturday? CHEAP BOOKS! This was lighter sale, we *only* got two bags- but we DID score. So many books that are on our lists! AND on the way out, I spotted this book… I wasn’t familiar with the title, but I always stop to checkout…

  • Zooming from the Garden

    Zooming from the Garden

    I had a Sunday school zoom meeting, but the day was amazing and Juniper wanted to plant some cilantro and cinnamon basil. In her fairy wings, of course. Jared was cooking chicken in the smoker and the backyard was too inviting to go inside. I took the call on the patio- and Juniper busied herself…

  • STEAM Library “Camp Out” Adventure

    STEAM Library “Camp Out” Adventure

    This activity came up and there was only 1 ticket available, so I grabbed it. I wasn’t sure if it was a super strict “MUST HAVE TICKET” event, or if it was a “please get a ticket so we can know how many to expect” event. Turns out, it was the later. It was so…

  • FIREWORKS 2024

    FIREWORKS 2024

    Last year, we started attending our church as “curious” *possible* new members in February 2023… after a 6 week inquirers course, the kids and I were baptized in late May. The June fireworks party was the first event that we agreed to Host- and even though we knew NO ONE- we had the best time…

  • FATHER’S DAY 2024

    FATHER’S DAY 2024

    Jared is one of themes agreeable and “go with the flow” person when it comes to making plans- it took couple HOURS to get him to admit what he wanted to do. We had already been to church and stayed after to feed the homeless. It was a long morning and he was tempted to…

  • PRIDE 2024

    PRIDE 2024

    The first 2 weekends of June were busy! Fishfly Season started…we volunteered doing landscaping at church… My parents visited from FLORIDA- which only happens once a year. Then, the most incredible thing happened- after not being able to understand sewing machines MY WHOLE LIFE- I learned spontaneously in under 5minutes flat. I then measured, cut,…